Freight & Dispatch Services1

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  • Freight & Dispatch Services1

“ZATH LLC provides the complete package of dispatch and freight services that make your life easy with 24/7 back-end support, load management, freight rate negotiations and more.

24/7 Back-end Support

Our full back-end support means you can rest assured your dispatching needs are handled round the clock, with experienced professionals ensuring everything is taken care of.

Load Management

We take the hassle out of managing your loads with our efficient and reliable load management services. We ensure goods arrive on time, every time.

Chasing Payments

Stop chasing payments and leave it to us! Our team will handle all invoicing, payment follow-ups and other processes related to payments so you don’t have to worry about it.

Tracking Routes & Guiding Truckers

We specialize in tracking routes, traffic management and guiding truckers for optimized delivery times so that goods arrive on time without any delays or mishaps.

Dealing with Entire Documentation

We take care of all the documentation related to freight and dispatching services such as customs clearance documents, BOLs, PODs etc.

Dr, Austin, TX 78731, USA
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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